How to Harness the Power of Spring

Springtime Fever! 

I live in the country and my drive to work for the past week has been filled with activity, the sunrise, green fields, and spring rains. I marvel at this time of year when the world reawakens, and I bask in the energy which seems to surround me. I definitely feel the change of season in the core of my body and mind. There is a natural shift and drive for many of us to set new goals and ride the wave of energy sweeping toward us. I wanted to share a couple of tips for moving those goals forward.  

  1. Create a plan: willpower and the natural flow of spring energy are not enough to keep us moving toward our goals. Over the next month, our bodies with regulate, and the natural flow we experience with spring will die off. Don’t let this break of energy also be the break in your goals. Take the time now to plan for how you will keep up motivation, how you will work towards goals daily, and define what realistic success looks like.  

  2. Seek goals that align with your personal values. We are more likely to be successful and complete a goal when we have a big reason why which also aligns with our value system.  I found this little value quiz to be helpful in defining my values. Https://

    One personal example I can share is that money is not a core value for me, family is a core value for me. Working just to work and earning money just for money is not a motivation and something I am unlikely to do. I am, however, willing to work as hard as possible if the benefit is for my family. Another value for me is freedom, I am working towards financial freedom and retirement with every penny I save and earn so this is another goal and one I will work towards because it is a value for me. So set a goal that aligns with your values during this spring season. 

  3. Seek for self-compassion, change is difficult, and accomplishing goals will have bumps along the way. Take time to be understanding and kind towards yourself. Keep in mind motivation will fluctuate and there will be barriers that arise. You may have times of progress, times of stagnation, and times of setback, these are all ok states to be in.  The impart piece is to pay attention to how you are feeling and when you notice self-criticism coming up take time to give yourself verbal and physical kindness, understand everyone goes through these feelings around change and the accomplishment of goals. You are seeking progress, not perfection! 

I am sending positive thoughts of kindness and hope as we enjoy another spring and summer. If you are struggling with mania and suicidality this is a normal feeling and is due to changes in sunlight and circadian rhythm so, please reach out for support if needed. Good luck in keeping with the new goals set during this time of year. 



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